Recon View
Ultra High Resolution 5W Digital Reconnaissance Camera
The Recon-View is an airborne ultra high-resolution gimbaled reconnaissance camera system capable of capturing up to 16 million pixels of data per image. The Recon-View can capture an area larger than a soccer field at better than three inch per pixel resolution. Each Recon-View is designed with a fully integrated ring laser INS unit which provides precise referencing to the ground, along with high-resolution imagery and targeting coordinates. Recon-View integrates proprietary preflight, mission planning, and image processing software. Integrated software includes Flight Planning Software (FPS), Spectra-View Remote and image processing Band Match.
- 4872 x 3248 pixels
- Dynamic Range 8 bits
- Color or Monochrome
- 2Hz store full frame
- 14Hz view real time
- Electronic 1/100 - 1/1000 (No moving parts, no life limits)
Light Metering
- Images are viewed in flight. Exposure times are set by the operator. Aperture, focus, zoom set electronically from hand control.
- Each camera/lens combination is totally mapped for radial distortion, PP, MTF, and Flat Field using Airborne Data System's propietary CHARLIE® Calibration System.
- 140 - 400 mm f2.8 - f32 Zoom
- 2 inch resolution @ 8,000 feet standoff
- 270 degree azimuth
- +10 to -80 degree elevation angle
- Size: 18 inch diameter by 20 inches tall
- Weight: 45 pounds
- Operating Temperature: -20°C to +50°C
- Humidity: 5-95% Non-Condensing
- Operating Altitude: 25,000 feet Non-pressurized
- Size: 11x14x17 inches
- Weight: 28 pounds
- Operating Temperature: -20°C to +50°C
- Humidity: 5-95% Non-Condensing
- Operating Altitude: 25,000 feet Non-pressurized
- MTBT: In excess of 500 flight hours
System Power
- Total system power is 180 watts at start up and 140 watts continous at 10-30 Volt DC.
Image Storage
- Solid state removable drives. Drives are swappable in flight.
- Non-pressurized to 25,000 feet. Maximum storage rate is 1 camera cycle per second.
- Position Accuracy (1 sigma)
- Position (m) .10 (DGPS aided)
- Altitude (m) .2 (DGPS aied)
- Velocity (m/s) .005 @ 400 Hz
- Pitch/Roll (mrad) .028
- Heading (mrad) <.2
- Drift rate
- Velocity Range 0-400 meters per second
- Acceleration Range 30 gs all axis
- Alignment time 5 minutes
- System outputs a full navigation solution @ 50 Hz
- Dual 1553 output
- FAA approved DGPS antenna
RF/EMI Certification
- This system meets both civilian and US Air Force requirements for RF/EMI emissions and is certified for operation in small, medium and large US Air Force fixed wing aircraft.
All cameras are co-mounted with the DGPS/INS in precision machined fixtures. All systems use Lord Aerospace vibration isolating mounts that have been tested to meet Section RTCA/DO-160 Section 7.
Custom mounting decks are available
Flight Management System
Flight Planning Software (FPS)
- Plans flight lines and image centers from shape file or corner coordinates. Calculates image center positions to include side and forward overlap. Calculates number of scenes and mission time. Provide a visual display. Automatically recalculates flight lines and image centers in flight to provide full coverage in changing altitudes.
Spectra View Remote
- Provides link between the Spectra-View camera system and the System Operator. Provides visual display of the health of the DGPS/INS, cameras, processor and image storage system at start up. Allows System Operator to set shutter speeds and aperture settings to maintain highest quality data for the flight conditions. Displays the camera information in visual quality and histogram format for each camera and respective band.
Course Deviation Indicator (CDI)
- Displays the precise position of the aircraft in relation to flight line. Displays proposed and actual heading, altitude, speed, flight line number and beginning and ending waypoints.
Processing Software
Band Match
- Band registers individual bands to sub-pixel registration.
- Exports images as camera corrected TIFF images with header files.
- Uses imported DEM files, image and header files to automatically ortho rectify images.
- Quality checks DGPS/INS alignment calibration.
- Exports processed images to assigned files.
- Exports header files (METADATA) in NITIF format.
- All processing is done in real time, from navigation solutions stored in header file, ortho rectified images at 2 seconds per scene.
All ADS Recon-View systems carry a one year warranty, excluding optics. This guarantees 24-hour replacement from our inventory. The systems are replaced, not field repaired, and are shipped same day express freight. All systems have an option for an extended warranty.